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Today's Industrial Products & Solutions

Combatting Corrosion in Winter Conditions

Industrial facilities can benefit from scheduling corrosion protection of their carbon steel structures and equipment during seasonal slowdowns, when such projects have a minimal impact on output. Read the full article here.

Northeast ONG

Northeast ONG

When traditional corrosion protection fails, a new approach can dramatically extend life in upstream, midstream, and downstream applications Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI) is the root cause of many of the global petrochemical industry’s most serious problems including forced shutdowns, lost production, early repair and replacement, as well as safety and environmental consequences that can cost… 

Protective coatings europe

Innovative Anti Corrosion Primer

An innovative primer that it is claimed stops corrosion for decades has caught the attention of multinational paint companies, several of which are engaged in discussions of exclusivity in various regions of the world. Read the full article on pages 33 & 34.

rusting pipes

6 Types of Corrosion That Take Some Examination To Accurately Identify

There are many different types of corrosion, ranging from those that are easily identifiable with the naked eye, to those that take some additional examination to accurately identify. This naturally occurring condition can cause costly and dangerous damage to systems from personal vehicles to pipelines and architectural infrastructures such as…