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SC Journal

In water treatment operations, which include the plant itself as well as the infrastructure required to collect and distribute water from sources such as aqueducts, reservoirs, lakes and rivers, the wet, high humidity environment can wreak havoc on steel structures and appurtenances such as pumps, piping, pipe supports, and other… 

Feature: Unique anti-corrosion primer

PCE International

An innovative primer that it is claimed stops corrosion for decades has caught the attention of multinational paint companies, several of which are engaged in discussions for exclusivity in various regions of the world. Unlike traditional primers that sit on the surface of steel, it is claimed that this primer… 

Exploring alloy-based protection

Engineer Live

Will alloy-inducing anti-corrosion agents make metal blasting a thing of the past? Metal blasting (or sandblasting) has long been a go-to process to treat metal before the application of a surface material, such as an anti-corrosive agent. But as alloy-inducing anti-corrosion agents take the stage to compete with traditional barrier…