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Northeast ONG

Northeast ONG

When traditional corrosion protection fails, a new approach can dramatically extend life in upstream, midstream, and downstream applications Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI) is the root cause of many of the global petrochemical industry’s most serious problems including forced shutdowns, lost production, early repair and replacement, as well as safety and environmental consequences that can cost… 

Advanced Coating Solution On Two North Sea Offshore Platforms

The Oil & Gas Magazine

OGTC is conducting successful trials using EonCoat on Total and Nexen platforms In a collaborative effort, designed to improve vital protection of offshore assets, the Oil & Gas Technology Centre (OGTC) in Aberdeen, UK is successfully conducting trials of an advanced anti-corrosion coating on two North Sea offshore platforms. Read… 


Prevent Corrosion Under Insulation Using EonCoat

Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI) is the root cause of many of the global petrochemical industry’s most serious problems including forced shutdowns, lost production, early repair and replacement, as well as safety and environmental consequences that can cost millions of dollars per incident. Read the full article here.

Stop Existing Corrosion and CUI

Corrosion under insulation is the root cause of many of the global petrochemical industry’s most serious problems including force shutdowns, lost production, early repair and replacement, as well as safety and environmental consequences that can cost millions of dollars per incident. Read the full article here.

Manufacturing Tomorrow

Manufacturing Tomorrow

After the global steel industry’s recent downturn, caused by oversupply, low prices, and rising raw material costs, Pohang, South Korea based POSCO, one of the world’s largest multinational steel manufacturers, needed a strategy for handling such challenges while continuing to protect their assets and remaining industry innovators. Read the full…