Has Time Always Passed This Quickly?
While Tony and Carlos are busy wrapping up EonCoat’s first quarter of 2022 and planning for the next three months, I thought I’d hop on the blog and put up just a few items from our Q1 highlight reel. My name is Kim Feth, and I have the honor of managing Customer Success at EonCoat.
Job Site Travel Updates
In February, Carlos DeOro, our Operations Manager, traveled to the historic port of New Orleans, Louisiana, to help kick start a trial of EonCoat. This trip marked the first time we have had the opportunity to protect the pylons beneath a pier. I can’t think of a more corrosive environment for carbon steel, so we’re excited about the trial results. Carlos enjoyed good food, beautiful weather, new partnerships, and showing the simplistic beauty of EonCoat in the field. You can read all about that trip in the full blog article.

In March, our CEO, Tony Collins, had the opportunity to travel to Paradeep, India. For those of you who aren’t familiar with it, Paradeep is a major port city located south of Kolkata. A customer there was coating a tank and needed some live technical support. Without hesitation, Tony boarded a plane and was on the way over for about 10 days. While we acknowledge that every application job might have its unique challenges, the extreme heat of India required additional input from Tony’s experience. As a result of Tony’s travel, new friends were made, and new partnerships were forged that can accomplish great things. It’s reassuring to have a CEO who will hop on a plane and travel across the world, but it’s also nice to have Tony back home.

The EonCoat Family
Along with individually meeting with each of our global distributors in the first quarter (February and March were busy), EonCoat is continuing to grow our global presence! We signed three new distributors in the first quarter of 2022 and have more discussions coming down the pipeline. George Clack with M.I.E.T. Group in South Africa; Pavan Singh with Petro-Q in Qatar; Tim Foster, Ian Breckon, and Paul Cutter, all with IMF Solutions in the UK.
George Clack‘s prior experiences lend well to joining the EonCoat family. George is hardworking, and his strength as a collaborator shines through every opportunity. IMF Solutions, as our Distributor in the UK, offers a wealth of experience. Tim Foster, Ian Breckon, and Paul Cutter (in no particular order, as my mom used to say) hit the ground running and haven’t slowed down. Customers always share positive feedback about all three men. We are excited to now have a presence in Qatar with Mr. Pavan Singh with Petro-Q. With an extensive customer list in both oil and gas, as well as infrastructure, Mr. Singh and Petro-Q, as a Distributor for EonCoat, are poised to impact Qatar.
Let’s Look To The Future
While we don’t want to share too much, we’ve planned some exciting new things for the second quarter and beyond.
Carlos has been experimenting with creating TikTok videos and uploading them to YouTube and LinkedIn, along with our other social medial platforms. So, subscribe to our YouTube channel or follow us on LinkedIn to watch any new videos easily.
One of the things we can share is that we are planning to host live, online EonCoat Certified Applicator training. Did you see the initial announcement post on social media? After having our corporate conference room painted to match our corporate colors, and as the post-pandemic demand for business grows louder each day, we decided to jump in! We will post the training dates and times well in advance so that attendees can plan accordingly. Each class will have a maximum number of participants to allow for both the curriculum to be completed and allow time for questions. Along with receiving a certificate, each attendee will also receive a LinkedIn badge to post on their profile.
Our Commitment To Excellence Never Changes
While the first quarter of 2022 is wrapping up, everyone at EonCoat is excited about what the next few months are bringing into focus. No matter the season, EonCoat will continue to provide the only permanent protection for carbon steel against corrosion.

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