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corrosion resistance

Spray Applied Inorganic Coating Prevents Corrosion

In the oil and gas industry, protecting massive carbon steel assets from corrosion is a continual challenge around the world, including China, particularly along coastline exposed to high humidity and salty air near oceans or other bodies of water. Read the full article here.

Notes From The Field: Article in Utility Products Magazine Highlights Benefits of Coating with EonCoat

While we at EonCoat know that our coating is superior to other industrial coatings, when both clients and the contractors who work with our product are happy to discuss their experience with the press, that speaks volumes about how truly revolutionary this coating really is. Consumers Energy, one of the… 

Seawater Corrosion Test

A Corrosion Test to see the last coating standing began on 12/30/10 at 12 noon. During the duration of the test 14.1 gallons of seawater (on average) is sprayed on the samples. There are four hours of spray followed by four hours of simulated sun lamps (426 nano-meter light waves).…