Carlsbad Caverns National Park in New Mexico was forced to evacuate and shut down this week (July 23, 2012) due to overwhelming coating fumes contaminating the air. Both the visitor’s center and the cave itself were closed after employees became ill and many complained of headaches.
For those who work in the coating industry, the dangers of coating fumes are a well-known hazard. These dangers increase tremendously when working in poorly ventilated areas, as was the case in New Mexico. As it happens, the fumes from the coating were heavier than the air itself, so they didn’t simply travel “up and out” as was likely expected. They lingered down below in the shaft for days.
Use EonCoat – Eliminate VOCs and the Dangers of Toxic Fumes
Unlike typical coatings, EonCoat does not release any VOCs into the air, so there are no worries of nausea or headaches. Even in enclosed areas, tanks, and vessels, or underground, EonCoat can be sprayed without concern for toxic exposure. Additionally, once dry, EonCoat can even be ground or sanded without releasing toxic fumes, and it has no flash point so it cannot ignite.
Contractors and businesses working in these conditions now have a safe alternative to existing coatings. As an added benefit, EonCoat also provides better corrosion resistance than other industrial coatings on the market.
Given the importance of worker safety, and the realities of insurance, workers compensation, and the cost of disposing of hazardous materials, it’s no wonder that EonCoat has received such glowing reviews from testers and customers alike since it was brought to market in 2011.
Learn more about the environmental advantages and benefits of using EonCoat.

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