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EonCoat Testing

Advanced Anti-Corrosion Coating Utilized on Two North Sea Offshore Platforms

Anti Corrosion Coating for Offshore Platforms

In a collaborative effort, designed to improve the vital protection of offshore assets, the Oil and Gas Technology Centre (OGTC) in Aberdeen, United Kingdom, is successfully conducting trials of an advanced anti-corrosion coating on two North Sea offshore platforms. Read the full article here.

A man stands on an offshore oil rig

Which Environments Does EonCoat’s Corrosion Protection Work In?

Corrosion is the top threat to the carbon steel industry, with carbon steel accounting for 85% of annual steel production worldwide. Corrosion can occur generally or as localized attacks, most commonly through pitting, crevices, and filiform corrosion. High temperatures, chemicals, and other stressors in the environment can also cause corrosion…