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Industries Served by EonCoat

Our customers invest millions of dollars in mission-critical steel assets that must remain operational. The oil, gas, medical, utility, chemical, and railroad industries rely on the patented technology of EonCoat every day. Downtime for maintenance is unacceptable. We are the only company that can offer both a quick return to service and the elimination of future maintenance.

It began with a coal handling facility in West Virginia in 2012. Consol Energy used EonCoat to stop the corrosion caused by the sulfur in coal. Soon after, an oil company began coating floating tank roofs. By 2018 Chevron did a presentation at the EuroCorr 2018 conference describing their use of this amazing technology. We have coated the exteriors, interiors, and roofs of storage tanks. We have worked in partnership with some of the world’s largest oil companies in countries all around the globe. Many of the contractors that work in oil refineries are EonCoat certified. Companies added EonCoat to their appropriate specifications, and we were continually awarded bigger projects. In 2018, we began coating offshore platforms. Watch this video to see what was said in EuroCorr 2018.

An EonCoat Certified Contractor spraying a storage tank for a large pharmaceutical company


We didn’t initially expect many users in the medical industry, but 3 of our most prominent are customers are from this segment. Drug companies have utility assets just like other industries. Their tanks and piping might not be as large as the ones we coat in oil and gas, but they are every bit as important to the customer – and to us.


spraying water pump
EonCoat Certified Contractor spraying EonCoat on a water pump assembly
Petrochemical Storage Tank partially coated in EonCoat


Since the oil and gas industries are closely related to the petrochemical industry, the use of EonCoat in refineries led petrochemical companies to notice us. One of our petrochemical customers first used the EonCoat Weldable Primer to protect the bottom side of a welded tank. This application is continuing to grow in popularity.


Sameer Patel applying EonCoat to railroad to permanently prevent corrosion
Sameer Patel – EonCoat’s Lead Scientist coating one of the trial rails.

As an inorganic product, EonCoat improves the health and safety of employees and the public with:

no VOCs


no odor

no flashpoint

zero flame spread

EonCoat delivers cost-saving and productivity benefits to customers worldwide no matter what the industry. Our global customers realize cost-saving measures and productivity benefits with:

faster, less expensive surface preparation

faster return-to-service

Reduced personnel cost associated with surface preparation and application

Reduced cost of handling and disposing of chemicals that contain VOCs and toxins

elimination of future surface preparation and application with our 30-year warranty

Let the steel corrosion protection coatings from EonCoat safeguard your most valuable investments, no matter what your industry.

To Learn More about EonCoat Download Our E-Book or Contact Us.

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Do you want to become an expert on all things EonCoat? Download our Free E-Book and Crash Course to learn how EonCoat will save you time and money while permanently protecting your carbon steel assets from corrosion. You will receive one email daily over the course of five days, making it easy to learn at your own pace.

In this Free E-Book and Crash Course, you’ll learn:

  • How EonCoat works.
  • How safe is EonCoat?
  • What are the cost benefits of Eoncoat?
  • Who is currently using EonCoat?
  • How is EonCoat Applied?

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