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The Travels of Floyd Part 4: A New Coat and Adventure

Hey Everyone!

I know it has been quite some time since my last check-in in March when Sameer tested my white coat’s adhesion with a Pull Test.

It turns out, the folks at EonCoat decided that since there were a few spots where they painted over some old (non-EonCoat) coats of paint that they would sandblast me down to my bare metal!

Once I was basically naked, the team rinsed me down with salt water and brushes to test my resistance to chlorides and what do ya’ know – I rusted immediately!! Once I was finally all cleaned up (thanks to a power washer) and dried they painted me again.

Check me out – I’m finally back to my favorite color – ORANGE!   Priority Waste, Inc. picked me up last week and now I’m “On the road again” like Willie Nelson.

I’ll do my best to check in from the road when I can.

Until next time,



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