Joey Taylor, President and CEO of IPI, Incorporated gives a Real-World Review
In late February, EonCoat’s VP of Product Development, Billy George, traveled to West Virginia to show off the coating to an extremely intrigued Joey Taylor. Since EonCoat is brand new to the market we figured a Q&A session with Joey would be a great way to answer a few questions about the product.
Thanks so much for taking the time to speak with us Joey. First things first – how did you find out about EonCoat?
I actually found out about EonCoat by Googling “industrial coatings” and if I’m not mistaken it was the top thing that showed up. If it wasn’t the top it sure was up there because I’m not one to spend time going through more than the first page.
So, then I started reading up on (EonCoat) and some of the language was very eye catching – really eye catching.
Some of the claims actually seemed unrealistic. When you hear things like “don’t worry about moisture during application -you can still coat as long as it isn’t raining,” that the coating has an almost unbelievable fire rating, that there are no VOCs, no odor and very little prep work needed – you can be a little skeptical.
I’m a painter by trade and have been for more than 30 years so the more that I read the more I wondered if it was an Internet hoax.
A hoax, huh! So, despite thinking that it was almost too good to be true, what did you do next?
Well, despite my concerns I shared the product with one of my clients the following day and they said they wanted to check it out immediately. I was looking for something for corrosion since, at this point in time, 80-90% of my business is based on corrosion protection.
At that point I made contact with Tom at EonCoat and was still wondering if someone was pulling my leg.
Even though you were a little unsure, when you told your client about the claims EonCoat made about their product they said – “Make the call.”
We typically have to use multiple coatings to incorporate all the protection EonCoat does with one coating and only one coat like fire proofing, abrasion and corrosion resistance all built in one. Plus they were saying it has a life expectancy 5X that of their competitors.
At this point your really just needed to see the product for yourself?
Exactly. And as the next few weeks went by I spoke with Tom on multiple occasions. He said that EonCoat was just coming to market and I let him know that I thought it was fascinating and so did my client who had told me they wanted to try this stuff out immediately.
I basically said, “Tom, I gotta move on this now. My customer wants to move on this now. What can you do?”
Tom and the EonCoat team jumped through hoops to get out to the jobsite and made their way all the way from North Carolina just to show us how the product works. They did all this within 24 hours – not many companies would have done that.
Once they arrived at your client’s facility in West Virginia – what happened?
We got to spraying!
I sprayed a little myself, but not much. They really taught us how it needed to be sprayed. I actually felt while I was spraying that it was going to be faster because of the time claims. I was also skeptical as it was going on because it was so transparent and I wasn’t familiar with the coating. I was worried it wouldn’t white out after spraying because of the transparency but it had more mills than I thought.
It took some getting use to, but it makes you feel at ease knowing that if you miss a spot you can come back in and sandblast with some compressed air and fix it. EonCoat is fabulous when it comes to repair work.
I could already tell that this stuff (EonCoat) is up to 4 or 5 times faster than Polyurea to apply because you don’t have to build to 30 or 40 mils. Instead you only need to put on one coat at 6-10 mils.
So if you had to wrap up the experience – what would you say?
I honestly haven’t seen anything negative at all up to this point when it comes to EonCoat the product or the company.
The application is fine, covers nice, wraps around corners nice and wets nice. I’m in the process of bringing (EonCoat) to other customers and am very impressed that their team stepped up to the plate and moved the product quickly to satisfy the need of my client.
As a result, we are moving forward. My customer made a comment just the other day that I need to place a new order for EonCoat after these 100 gallons run out. The only potential negative I can even think of is that we have no historical data. But honestly, even if this coating will last 7.5 to 8 years then it will meet our test and that justifies the expense for us. The data they have already generated says 15 years and that would be more than fine with me.
IPI Inc. is a painting contractor business located in Elkview, West Virginia and is run by President and CEO Joey Taylor. They are a BBB accredited business with an exemplary A+ rating. You can reach them at 304.965.9094.

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