A couple of months ago we told all of our Coat It! readers about the corrosion test happening at EonCoat. The goal of the test is to find out which coating on the market today is at the top of the proverbial mountain.
As of last month, there were only 6 out of 17 coating samples that were able to withstand the pounding of seawater and simulated sun lamps (426 nano-meter light waves) in continuous 4-hour intervals.
Out of the six still standing on March 10, five are still passing our standards testing going on 100 days. Keep in mind that two of the Final 5 both have a two coat application instead of just one (like EonCoat).
Here’s where we are now:
(Day 77 – under seawater spray)
(Day 91 – under seawater spray)
(Day 100 – Under Heat Lamp – No. 23 began to fail around Day 95)
The Final Five (by our standards):
- No. 14: EonCoat
- No. 15: Carboline Carboncoat DTM 8215
- No. 18: AFM Safe coat Primer + AFM Safecoat Top coat
- No. 19: Pitt Guard Rapid Cost DTR 95-245, 95-249 PPG
No. 23: Sherwin Williams Zinc Clad 143-0255- No. 27: Rustoleum Pro High Performance Primer V-7580 + Top Coat Rustoleum V-7592
What do you think about the corrosion test so far? Are you happy with the way some of the samples have held up that we didn’t include in the Final Five?
Who will be the last coating standing?
To find out more about the samples being used – check out our original post from when the test started HERE. You can also check out the seawater corrosion test 24/7 through the live video fee on the site.

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