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Notes From The Field: Article in Utility Products Magazine Highlights Benefits of Coating with EonCoat

While we at EonCoat know that our coating is superior to other industrial coatings, when both clients and the contractors who work with our product are happy to discuss their experience with the press, that speaks volumes about how truly revolutionary this coating really is.

Consumers Energy, one of the nation’s largest combination utilities, provides electric and natural gas service to some 6.5 million of Michigan’s 10 million residents. They sought to extend equipment life while maintaining their long-standing commitment to the environment.

Here is a link to an article recently published in Utility Products Magazine, discussing the benefits of using EonCoat, both from the contractors perspective:

“Usually it takes me three days to spray a vehicle: one day to sandblast it, one day to prime it, and one day to paint it,” Wandron said. “With EonCoat, I was able to complete the job in a single day, including the axles, frame and suspension…”

As well as from the client’s perspective:

“We’re aiming to extend the usable lifespan of our equipment while lowering operation and maintenance (O&M) and acquisition costs with EonCoat as a corrosion protector,” Jones said.

Click here to read the entire online version of the article.

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