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Civil and Structural Engineering

Civil & Structural Engineering

When an electric utility in the Southeastern United States sought to protect an above-ground natural gas pipeline against corrosion, the goal was to cost effectively do so while minimizing downtime and environmental impact. Read the full article here.

Pipeline & Gas Journal

Corrosion Protection Through Cost Effective Method

The annual cost of is over 3% of the world’s GDP, representing $2.2. trillion, according to the World Corrosion Organization. Economic sectors from oil an gas, infrastructure, utilities and transportation to production, manufacturing, and government are at risk or corrosion globally.   Read the full article here.


Tank Farm Owners Use New Anti Corrosion Coating

As an alternative that helps to curtail this costly inspection and maintenance cycle, a CBPC coating like EonCoat provides a corrosion barrier that is covered by a ceramic layer that further resists corrosion, water, impact, abrasion, chemicals, fire and high temperatures. Read the full article here.

“Sweating” Pipeline is No Sweat for Electric Utility Project

When an electric utility in the Southeastern United States sought to protect above ground natural gas pipeline against corrosion, the goal was to cost effectively do so while minimizing downtime and environmental impact. Read the full article here.

Case study: utility keeps cool over ‘sweating’ pipeline

Power Engineering International

When an electric utility in the southeast US sought to protect an above ground natural gas pipeline against corrosion, the goal was to cost effectively do so while minimizing downtime and environmental impact. Read the full article here.

How to rust proof steel with CBPCs

Using CBPCs to Rust Proof Steel

Industrial facilities can benefit from scheduling corrosion protection of their carbon steel structures and equipment during seasonal slowdowns, when such projects have a minimal impact on output. However, too often such ‘scheduling windows’ occur during periods of cold, harsh weather, when typical coatings cannot easily be applied. Read the full…