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Must corrosion eat away at the process industries? It’s obvious that corrosion is a big problem in the process industries. Corroded pipe repair or replacement costs industry more than $7 bil- lion per year, the National Association of Corrosion Engineers estimates. This figure can double when lost revenue, productivity, and… 

Building Services Management – Equipment Life

Extend Equipment Life Left unprotected from water, steam, salt, oxygen, and other corrosive elements, structural metals such as steel and aluminum can become rusted, pitted, and unusable in critical equipment buildings, and infrastructure. Yet many industrial facilities must operate with virtually no downtime for planned equipment maintenance or replacement for decades. Click… 

American Oil & Gas Reporter

Chemically bonded phosphate ceramics may give operators “a magic bullet” in the fight against corrosion, according to Tony Collins, chief executive officer of EonCoat. Click here to read the full article

Energy Processing/Canada

Safety first for Industrial Coatings Fortunately, in the past decade coating technology has changed dramatically. A new category of inorganic Chemically Bonded Phosphate Ceramics (CBPCs) has been formulated that emits no VOCs or HAPs during or after application, has no flashpoint, flame spread or hazardous waste disposal requirements. Some of… 

Modern Contractor Solutions

One Coat Applications Many industrial facilities, such as petrochemical plants, must remain safely, efficiently operational with virtually no downtime, unplanned maintenance, or replacement for decades. Click here to read the full article